Wednesday, February 25, 2009

What a Wednesday

I had a lovely surprise in my mail today. My fellow knitting bloggers Domie's Mom and Lara have given me the Kreativ Blogger award. A big thank you to both of them! And now I'm going to share the joy.

The rules are

1. copy the Kreativ Blogger award to your blog

2. put a link to the person from whom you received the award

3. nominate 8 other blogs

4. and link to them

5. then leave a message on the blogs you nominated

It's going to be hard to pick just 8 but I'm going to try. And if I've left you out it doesn't mean I don't love your blog too!

1. Right Out Loud

2. The Crazy Lady and the Baker Man

3. Paradise Found

4. Lunaticraft

5. Sew Liberated

6. Maternal Spark

7. Knittinwizardry

8. Tante J



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